Hall of Fame
The Team MSL Hall of Fame consists of current and former High School players who participated in TeamMSL camps.
Think you should be on the list? Let us know.
Thomas Barnes (HHS)
Dan Bellino (FHS)
Ryan Caulfield (WHS)
Connor Cloherty (EGHS)
Zack Cooper (HHS)
Marshall Davis (HE)
Brian Dompke (FHS)
Connor Dykes (BHS)
Connor Dykes (BHS)
Scott Elter (PHS)
Scott Elther (PHS)
Jared Gaidjunas (BHS)
Quinn Guadaitis (HHS)
Matt Gumularz (FHS)
Daniel Hadler (EGHS)
Alex Harmon (FHS)
Tyler Ingebrigsten (EGHS)
Jason Jarrett (PHS)
Jake Jordan (WHS)
Blake Gosswein (BAR)
Jackson Perkins (BAR)
Ryan Palmer (FHS)
Chris Refka (PHS)
Dillon Rejman (BHS/WA)
Brock Rubin (FHS)
Eric Rushing (SHS)
Jason Shoo (SHS)
Jovonne Stricker (PHS)
Dylan Tapia (PHS)
Kenny Travis (SHS)
Matthew Wallace (FHS)
Tanner Yates (FHS)
Peyton Kim (FHS)
Pat Kurka (FHS)
Griffin Maloney (FHS)
Mark Milligan (HHS)
Yeoun Park (FHS)
Dipen Patel (EGHS)
Eric Pillath (EGHS)
Dominic Tuzzolino (FHS)
Brian Dompke (FHS)
Jared Schoo (SHS)
Braden Alberstson (BHS)
Will Raider (BHS)
Cortez Hogan (PHS)
Justin Chaney (PHS)
Michael Best (WHS)